Junior Performance Squad  

This Squad is by invitation only. It consists of our Junior County Qualifiers seeking Regional Qualification. The age guideline for this squad is 9-12, with the younger ones proficient in all 4 strokes and the older ones beginning to specify. 

Criteria for this squad is County Qualification in at least a 50m and a 200m event or within 5 % and those invited by Head Coach ad Team that have shown progression, commitment and dedication to training. This Squad will also work to a specific programme and needs commitment to at least 4 sessions in order for the swimmer to achieve the level they wish.

From a competition angle these are on the advice of the Head Coach and Junior Performance Coach as to the appropriate competitions to enter within the programme and the relevant events to enter. This Squad is seen to be the aim for the younger ones to qualify to be part of.

The criteria for this squad also involves Land Training that works in conjunction with their pool training programme and is vital part of training.

Junior Performance is coached by Lawrence Palmer.