Parent/Guardian Responsiblities During training

Arrival for Training

Always check when you drop your child of that the pool is available and open for training. Emergency and facility failure can occur at short notice. The Coaches are NOT responsible for the swimmer prior to or after training sessions. If you think you will be late for picking up your child after training session please phone the Sports Centre and ask that a message is passed on to the coaching staff.

During Training or Gala/Competition

Please inform the Coach of any information regarding your child i.e. Injuries/Medical changes prior to their training session via email/text/WhatsApp.

Please do not distract the coach during a training session. 

Please do not coach your child from the spectator's gallery this is distracting to all swimmers and coaches.

Sessions are planned for different aspects of training, with any interruptions to the session undermining the authority of the Coach. If you would like to speak to a coach please contact to arrange a mutually suitable time.