Gala Info - Submitting Entries


Entering competitions across all squads is an expectation. We do not expect swimmers to enter every competition as we appreciate swimmers and families have other commitments.

Coaches are always happy to advise on swims, and may contact parents if they believe there are other swims more beneficial to the individual swimmer.

The club then send the entries off and the host club will process the entries and send back accepted swims and a programme for the meet. These will then be posted on the club website.

Format of an entry sheet

Eligible swims are normally shown by age group and appear next to the swimmer’s name. Under normal circumstances the following is true

Events starting in a “1” are Saturday morning

Events starting in a “2” are Saturday afternoon

Events starting in a “3” are Sunday morning

Events starting in a “4” are Sunday afternoon

Note that this may change if events are held on a Sunday or if the gala has finals.

The entry Secretary will be able to assist you with when sessions are planned and your coach will help and advise what swims you should enter.

Entry Submission

Entries should be submitted as per instructions here. Entries after the cut off will not be accepted - this is to allow processing time prior to the official closing date.

Once the closing date for the gala is reached a file is sent to the hosting club with all the swimmers who have asked to have their swims put forward.

Caution should also be taken with the number of swims swimmers are entering in a meet. Please do not enter too many swims and then withdraw if accepted in all events due to the number of events being too much for the swimmer. Coaches will be happy to advise on events prior to entry where necessary. Once a swimmer enters, it is the expectation that they will swim that event.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.


Accepted swims

A list of accepted swims will be circluted once the hosting club notifies us.  If your name appears on the accepted list then you should pay the entry fee for the gala to the Bellshill Sharks bank account as soon as possible and no later than the week of the gala.

Please note that SCR means the swim has not been accepted, ALT means the swimmer is a reserve and should turn up to the meet as normal. 

Withdrawing from competitions

Withdrawing from a competition should only be made in exceptional circumstances. We fully understand circumstances may change from the time of entering a competition to the day of the event. However, caution should be taken to limit this where possible.

Entries at most competitions can be highly oversubscribed, meaning several swimmers may not get to swim. A swimmer who has entered the meet, got an accepted swim and then withdraws, is preventing another swimmer from competing.

If a swimmer needs to withdraw from an event after accepted entries are published, parents/ guardians are liable for entry fees. The club do not get refunds for swimmers who do not compete once accepted entries are received by the club.

Withdrawals should only be made in cases of injury, illness or a change in circumstances prior to the event.

Withdrawals should be notified to the squad coach in the first instance, and then emailed to [email protected]