Norwich Swan Swimming Club

Friends Of Norwich Swan (FONS)

Friends of Norwich Swan (FONS) undertake the main fundraising for the club though events such as Supermarket Bag Packs, Raffles & Number Squares etc at our galas and various other fundraising throughout the year.  Money raised by FoNs goes towards providing new equipment to aid with swimmers development, as well as rewards and recognition for achievements for example the Club hats awarded at Counties, Regionals and Nationals. 

This year our main aim is to raise money for new starting blocks at Hewett and NHSG pools. We have secured 50% of the funding from the pools but need to fundraise for the remainder of the cost. 

FoNS also organise social and fun activities for our swimmers for example the Counties Treat, Regional Treat, Lido Fun Night and Presentation Evening.

Prizes, sponsorship or cash donations, or simply your time are all very much appreciated.  Please get involved!

If you are interested in joining the FoNS team please contact Anneline Mann




Friends of Norwich Swan

Anneline Mann



Friends of Norwich Swan

Karen Staff


Friends of Norwich Swan

Leanne Rumsby


Friends of Norwich Swan

Debbie Edwards


Friends of Norwich Swan

Amanda Ingram


Friends of Norwich Swan

Mukupa Chitoshi



Friends of Norwich Swan

Melanie Pert




Friends of Norwich Swan

Karen Woodhouse



Friends of Norwich Swan

Marie Andrews