Learn to Swim

Our aim is to give beginners and non-swimmers the opportunity to learn to swim by developing confidence and stroke technique in a structured, fun and safe environment. Our Learn to Swim (LTS) swimmers get one hour per week of pool time, double that of most LTS providers, which allows for quicker progression through the stages.

We are an inclusive club offering swimming lessons for children aged four years and over. Our LTS programme, following the Swim England (SE) Learn To Swim Pathway to Level 5, is run during term-time (LTS does not run over Easter, Christmas and summer holidays) and mainly takes place at Fareham Leisure Centre at 18:00, 18:30 & 19:00 depending on stage, with additional lessons available at West Hill Park School on Sunday mornings between 09:00 and 10:00. Parents are able to watch these lessons from poolside seating areas.

Children are taught by qualified teachers using the SE Learn to Swim Framework. They progress using fun and games through seven stages, from their first splash to full competence in the water. This framework is underpinned throughout by Long Term Athlete Development principles, offering clear progression between each stage.

Our lessons enable children to discover movement in the water with a full range of swimming techniques and aquatic skills:

Stage 1

  • This stage is for children who have no swimming experience.  It introduces water safety skills and builds confidence to gain the basic skills required to increase swimming ability.

Stage 2

  • This stage further develops water confidence and introduces various safety skills.  Swimmers will develop their kicking ability, leading to independent travel in the water.

Stage 3

  • Swimmers will develop safe entries into the water, including submersion, and travel up to 10 metres on their front and back.  Water safety knowledge and rotation skills will also be progressed.

Stage 4

  • Swimmers will perfect their leg kicks for all four recognised strokes.  They will be introduced to sculling and develop an understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills and should be able to swim 10 metres.

Stage 5

  • Swimmers will develop their skills in treading water, progress the correct arm pulls for all four recognised strokes and learn how to do handstands and somersaults.  The emphasis is on ensuring that all work done in the previous four stages is developed further.

Once swimmers have completed Stage 5, the next step is our pre-competitive Rising Stars Squad. 

If you want to know more about our Learn to Swim programme or would like a free trial, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon.